Monday, January 13, 2014

Stimulating, greed, class antagonism, exploitation, and social anarchy. In the case of Capitalism one Understanding the injustices of today is a crucial thing to do. Western Capitalism is still a rational choice  of today whith its contradiction. India with its caste system became a much more unjust nation than the USA that have a Protestant ethic. But the problem is not economics or man or feminism as one sees it but sin, the beaten apple that Adam and Eve which they took. Capitalism is a Western system that needs to be applied on common Christian grounds to be fair thus the stewardship economic concept needs to be practiced.

Thus Upadhyaya's proposal was an "integral" approach that attempts to create a harmonious society. This could be done, he argued, by satisfying the needs of the body (hunger, shelter), the mind (traditions), intelligence (reforms), and the soul (common aspirations of a people that shape their unique culture). This too can work with Capitalism until it changes mentality but we were not capable of applying this till now due to our egoism present in this world. Thus Capitalism thus not work because of pride not because it is an unjust system but because it is quite a just system that produces its contradictions. We already saw that Capitalism is a pragmatic way of living and serving but again we need to achieve a Spiritual Capitalism such as in Buddhist economics or rather what can be called Christian economics that leads to Capitalism according to Biblical principles but then again it is all about behavior from every individual because every individual is important and if one is fractured the system becomes fractured in sin.

The sixth point of difference lies in the fact that Western Economists believe that bigger is better and more is more whereas Buddhist Economists believe that small is beautiful and less is more. If you use a 10c to drive a car it is better than using a 30c to drive a bigger car to the same destination to pay 10c is more efficient in the end than to pay 30c.

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