Monday, April 9, 2012


Edward De Bono in his book In I Am Right You Are Wrong describe it as a major type of error arising from table top logic. Something is good so more must surely be better. This is seen in the following example Fast Food is good but we can not only eat it everyday a nutritional diet is healthier. Thus for obesity arise from the Laffer Curve Jean Baudrillard the inventor of hyperreality the writer of Simulcra and Simulation writes Art is seduction and also writes Art does not die because there is no more art, it dies because there to much. The excess of reality disheartens me as does the excess of art when imposes itself as reality in his book in The Conspiracy of Art he notes. Thus for a conscious obese person that is on dieting fast food with lots of fat changes the definition of food for him is different from a healthy person that sometimes takes fast food. But it remains food as definition per se. 

For Michel Foucault it all about power in his book power is in excess thus in exchange we don't have words in our vocabulary such as to art as a new definition. we must invent new words.

 Andy Warhol also put it in the end when he says I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning. But in reality it develops a whole new meaning when one looks even longer such as when looking to a rose that saying because in the end  truth is not absolute but in this manner it journey towards the absolute.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The simple realization that you're in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is all about balancing life with work and leisure and relationships plus the feeling of meeting challenges head-on and under pressure and taking charge of your thoughts, schedule, environment, and how you deal with problems. And Change your situation. 

Also, appreciate the little things savour the moments – and enjoy the little things in the present “In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet” Albert Schweitzer.

To see this you can write a stress journal, where you see your response, how you acted, how you did things, and how you feel therefore you see how you currently cope with stress and how you felt physically and emotionally as you describe in the journal.

Some coping strategies people may take cause more damage in the long run:

·         Drinking too much.
·         Smocking
·         Overreacting or under-reacting
·         Zoning out for hours in front of TV or computer
·         Withdrawing from family and friends
·         Sleeping too much
·         Procrastinating
·         Taking your stress on others

Avoid – Avoid if you can what causes you stress. If you can not Alter find a compromise Adapt be positive Reframe problems e.g. in traffic jams for example enjoy listening to your favorite music during this time or talk with friends in the car. The last A is Accept don't eliminate keep moving it will go away. Also never use always, never, should, these worlds always have ants automatic negative thoughts which many people act on because. Again sometimes you can not change things example in case of death as when something happens you can just adapt to it or to the attitude of other people by changing yourself you are changing the world in the end. These are the 4 key A’s.

Healthy ways to relax and recharge
        +Go for a walk, exercise 
        + Write on your journal
        + Call a good friend
               Take a bath    
        +Do your hobby
         +Work in garden 
         +Watch a film Take some time to reactivate your visual sensory capacity
+Listen to music
+sports and exercise
+        +Go out with friends
+        + Give priorities to close relationship –An intimate marriage or close friendship offers social support         but happy people also appear to attract people and retain partners. This may be because they are            happy.
            +Sleep at least 8 hours it fuels your mind and body
            +Yoga and meditation
            +Praying -Faith can buffer crises and give hope. Also, faith networks may give social support,                 meaning, and assistance in one's problems
+           +Rituals This is important because it is an active affirmation of your belonging but also one needs            to learn if diverted sometimes we still need to live.

H   Humor is also important don't get in the hustle and bustle of life that you forget to take care of yourself and your needs. Naturing yourself is a necessity and not a luxury. Also as we saw Health together with Hope and Humor is a key factor in stress management.

Stress management is a key to happiness. Thus as it written in the book The Pursuit of Happiness Dr. David G. Myers, Professor of Psychology at Hope College in Michigan, identifies four important traits common to happy people with H+ Religion these are:

+Self-esteem and optimism apart from personal control which is also important.
+Extraversion. That means in Psychology a. the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self thus with the external environment rather than with one's thoughts and feelings (introversion)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Post Modernism OR Post-Post Modernism

Jean Fracois Lyotard said that post-modernism culture began to develop in the end of the 1950s although the rate of development and the stage reached vary between and within countries. Lyotard believed in narratives that help to convey the rules on which social order is based; they play a key role in socialization. Lyotard argues that science is unable to rid itself entirely of narrative knowledge. I add because it holds its believing system. Therefore science rest on metanarratives-naratives that give meaning to other narratives. Metanarratives is the sense of purpose to social life, to scientific endeavour.

In the Post Modern era the search for truth that is absolute is abandoned as denotative language games that is culture fall disrepute. Thus fragments are into a multiplicity of different language-games (In Lyotard's works, the term 'language games', sometimes also called 'phrase regimens', denotes the multiplicity of communities of meaning, the innumerable and incommensurable separate systems in which meanings are produced and rules for their circulation are created). Are specific to particular area as diversity increase due to perceptual truth Edward De Bono in this sense is a post-modern as this denotative language games are replaced by technical language-games. Statements are judged not there are true, but by whether they are useful and efficient or not. Emphasis shifts from the ultimate ends of human activity, towards the technical means through which things can be achieved. In Universities, for example, researchers ask what use something is rather than whether it is true thus researchers becomes geared to productive knowledge.

Post Modernism offers the possibility of tolerance and creative diversity, in which humans are not corrupted by some doctrine metanarative Sociology Themes and Perspective 7th Edition Haralambos and Holborn Even thou we are moving to post-post modernism in that direction. Post Modernism thus was the bridge for what will clear us to a post-post modernism which is developing in this Absurd reality.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Emotional Intelligence

In the article The Emotional Intelligence Accountant Gordon P. Vassallo (a certified public accountant and Certified Catholic Spiritual Guide) in the magazine the  Accountant writes “The Bar – emotional quotient inventory is the first scientifically validated and most widely used EI assessment in the world is this model measures EI over five composite scales:

Intrapersonal: one's own self awareness, assertiveness, independence, self regard and self actualization.

Interpersonal: one's capacity to exercise empathy, social responsibility, engaging into healthy relationships, listen effectively, present discuss and defend views, transfer and receive knowledge, negotiate with people, understand group dynamics and collaborate with colleagues.

Adaptability: one's capacity to solve problems, test reality, and exercise flexibility, adapting to changing situations and overcoming obstacles.

Stress Management: one's level of stress tolerance and impulse control.

General Mood: one's state of happiness and optimism.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Edward De Bono in his book I Am Right You Are Wrong write that art is directly concerned with redirecting existing perceptions and changing them, but does not encourage perceptual skills. In the end art is a form of communication while in his book Water Logic he writes that art need to highlight, to deepen perception and to open up insights. This is done by disrupting the patterns, by juxtaposing patterns by providing new pattern framework and he give us the example that when anything new arise such as Impressionism it was first was judged ugly, hideous by most art critic. This was because it was “ugly” when viewed through the frames of expectation of existing and traditional painting. He continues that people had to be trained to look at the painting in a different way to appreciate their beauty. Carrying this to the extreme is Andy Warhol Brillo Boxes or put a pile of scattered bricks in an art gallery and you ask the people as a work of art then they really do become a work of art. Our normal perception patterns treat bricks and treated the Brillo boxes as mundane material but if we break the loop of our perception pattern we see them differently but still keep a faint echo of their constructive value. This is because when we explore a rouse clearly we set perception but then we pass that perception as we just see it and put it somewhere generally and we don't break any pattern anymore. 

Meditation what it does is halt the flow of attention and unravel the stable perceptual loops Edward De Bono writes in Water Logic such as poetry.

Jean-François Lyotard in particular discussed the sublime. The "sublime" which is a term in aesthetics revived again under post-modernism after a century or more of neglect. It refers to the experience of pleasurable anxiety that we experience when confronting wild and threatening sights like, for example, a massive craggy mountain, black against the sky, looming terrifyingly in our vision. He also found particularly interesting the explanation of the sublime offered by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Sublime, were our sense of physical danger should prompt an awareness that we are not just physical material beings, but moral and (in Kant's terms) noumenal beings as well. The body may be dwarfed by its power but our reason needs not to be. This explains, in both cases, why the sublime is an experience of pleasure as well as pain. For Lyotard, in Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime, but drawing on his argument in The Differend, this is a good thing. Such generalities as 'concepts' fail to pay proper attention to the particularity of things. What happens in the sublime is a crisis where we realise the inadequacy of the imagination and reason to each other. What we are witnessing, says Lyotard, is actually the differend; the straining of the mind at the edges of itself and at the edges of its conceptuality.

Thus in the end Ludwig Wiggenstein was right in his Culture and Value while Wittgenstein also turns to the idea of a science of aesthetics which the Six Thinking Hats permits us. Scientist also have flow experiences in the end such as painters and any person that have a passion of what he is doing. While Eli Siegel, American philosopher and poet, founded Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy that reality itself is aesthetic and that "The world, art, and self explain each other: each is the aesthetic oneness of opposites." And so with such a new attitude science will not remain a methodology for testing beliefs driven mainly by the "cause and effect" idiom created by Immanuel Kant Edward De Bono stated when he wrote the book I Am Right You Are Wrong and thus I add using these method thus science thus not remain weak on the perceptual side in the end and also becomes a form of art. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012


The psychiatrist Mark Xuereb writes that there are two types of Happiness One more Long Lasting Then The Other in his Article the Pursuit of Happiness on the magazine Alive and healthy.

Feel Good Happiness: is a sensation that rarely last longer than few hours at a time. This kind of happiness is sought after through drug use, drinking, sex, partying, etc. It requires greater stimulation each time to reach the same level of happiness.

Value Based Happiness: is based on our lives having a meaning, a higher calling and the fulfilment of a larger purpose. It incorporates a spiritual source of satisfaction and there is no limit to how meaningful of our lives can be.

Also in the same article he continues that as Harvard social psychologist William McDougall pointed out people can be happy while in pain and unhappy while experiencing pleasure.