Tuesday, September 25, 2012

love is a verb

A Small Stories

One day a man came on a protestant priest and asked him, “I’m really worried my wife and I just don’t have the same feelings for each other we used to have. He continued I just don’t love her anymore. What can I do?” After thinking a bit the priest answered simple with two words “love her” and the man argued “the feeling just isn’t there”. Then he replied promptly “then love her. If the feeling isn’t there, that is a good reason to love her.”

The point in this story that I personally see is that love is a verb and where there is no love we need to act. Love is an action and therefore a verb. It is something that perhaps evolution of humanity evolved in us humans to fill our lives with bright colors and make our internal world better and also the outside world so we live in much better and happier life.

Another story of love is the following said by Osho

Nancy was having coffee with Helen.
Nancy asked, "How do you know your husband loves you?"
"He takes out the garbage every morning."
"That's not love. That's good housekeeping."
"My husband gives me all the spending money I need."
"That's not love. That's generosity."
"My husband never looks at other women."
"That's not love. That's poor vision."
"John always opens the door for me."
"That's not love. That's good manners."
"John kisses me even when I've eaten garlic and I have curlers in my hair."
"Now, that's love."l

That is the meaning when Jesus says, "God is love." I say to you: Love is God. God can be forgotten, but don't forget love -- because it is the purification of love that will bring you to God. If you forget about God completely, nothing is lost. But don't forget love, because love is the bridge. Love is the process of alchemical change in your consciousness.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Manos Blancas: Disabilta l'Abilta u L-Arti Methodu ta' Edukazjoni

L-arti hija forma ta komunikazjoni fejn kulħadd jista jifhimha fejn tagħmlek iktar sensittiv u tkompli tiffurmak u taghmlek komplut u m’hemmx barrieri min jagħmilha imma hemm min ipinġi b’ħalqu u hemm anke nies f’diżabilita’ li jkantaw. Il-Manos Blancas fil- Venezuela, li huwa group ta’ studenti li jkantaw huwa eżempju ta Dan li allavolja hemm huma bnedmien diżabilita’ iżda xorta din id-diżabilita’ ma twaqafhomx mil holm taghhom li hija xi ħaġa kostrutta soċjalment finalment imma li anda tiġġi megħluba beyond labiling.

“Cantano con le mani. Con i loro guanti candidi, sembrano uno stormo di gabbiani sul mare. Oscillano, svolazzano allegramente, rallentano, poi accelerano di nuovo. Sono sordomuti, ma "sentono" la musica in un altro modo. Cantano senza muovere la bocca, solo con le loro dieci dita. Al loro fianco c’è un altro coro: bambini e ragazzi non vedenti, disabili, ma anche tanti altri senza nessun problema, più fortunati. Mescolati gli uni con gli altri sullo stesso palcoscenico, formano il coro Manos Blancas, "Mani bianche". Un progetto creato nel 1999, come spina dorsale del programma di Educazione speciale dell’ormai celebre Sistema nazionale di orchestre giovanili e infantili del Venezuela” http://www.sordionline.com/iNews/view.asp?ID=16193(iNews)

“In Venezuela, i bimbi-musici del maestro José Abreu «fanno parte di un progetto pedagogico specifico, frequentano una scuola normale e contemporaneamente imparano il canto o a suonare uno strumento». A mano a mano i piccoli musicisti entrano a far parte del coro Manos Blancas o dell’orchestra Simon Bolivar, di quartetti, bande ritmiche, ensemble con le campane: «Il comune denominatore è sempre la musica come integrazione». La scuola centrale ha sede a Barquisimeto, nella regione venezuelana di Lara, «ma altre stanno sorgendo in vari paesi del Sud America, a cominciare a Argentina e Costa Rica.” http://messaggeroveneto.gelocal.it/cronaca/2010/01/28/news/l-esempio-di-manos-blancas-anche-il-friuli-entra-nel-coro-1.41667 (esempio-di-manos-blancas-anche-il-friuli-entra-nel-coro)

B’hekk l-arti hija forma fejn hemm ċelebrazzjoni ta’ unitá ma’ xulxin fejn kulħadd jista’ jipparteċipa u jitgħallem minha, hija lingwa li kullħadd jifhimha u li anke tgħin l-iżvilup mentali tal-individwu u kullħadd jista’ jippratika kif jiċħdu ir-realtajiet tal-lum waqt ir-ritmu huwa maghlem hu jgħin l-iżvilup tal-moħħ, id-dibadittu huwa krejat u jiggi iddiskutuut b' temi li jifformaw opinjoni tas socjeta. B'hekk il parteċipazjoni gol realta’ organikament tiforma. Meta tara l-beneficċji tal-arti żgur tinduna li għadna lura sissa għawn Malta perres livnistaw nużaw din l-għoda iktar bhall l edikazjonivWaldorf li hi inventata mill-filosofu ta’ l-edukazzjoni Rudolf Steiner skola ta hsieb fundata fi 1919.

Music is life... it is part of life, music is not everything but it the most beautiful part of life Marcos Torbellos coro Manos Blacas