what's in a title? It's not what defines you. Somebody would say a title lends weight to what you say. You are bound to
take Dr Borg more seriously than a Mr. Borg. And yet yes, people have constructed that norm, but I find it artificial.
All I care is whether a person is a lawyer or not, should I need one in this case of
to be caled Dr in Malta in case of lawyers but a good one not neccessary with
a title. People are artificial. And as we see that applies if you needed a lawyer. Have you ever looked
at politicians, though? Dr this and Dr that is not so much important is competence and usage as required by the times they are working in. The importance is not the Dr but what matters is whether God needs you in the place.
And yet a farmen can be more make sens from a Dr. and this was thought to me by a Dr. A humble one to my common sense as he ones told me that a Dr can offer nothing to the wisdom of farming that a farmer could. A wise
human examine all possibilities and in that case I prefer to vote for the farman if he can give me more valuable information on farming
Life is not a title in today Marketing counts more then a
Title in the end. Facimg the fact I believe that University thus not teach you how to think outside the box. Rebelling yet it is up to the
individual... rebelling is wrong... it wrong for society and for the
institution of the state we live and society... to be an artist it is wrong and
yet Dave Ramsey learned what he learned by life expirance... And he is now famous a new era has come when universities perhaps are less needed.
Today we are in a world with to much information in the
end and you need to select the correct one out.You need to have the skills a
phd excluding in Maths the basic is to prove that you can talk to the academia
world having your wrong science is still wrong whoever you are as you are already as everybody is biased by
his expirance science is not scientific at all no human is pure the purest of
all science is Maths because it is the first art that created everything but it still can be manipulated in the end.
Children are born artist
“How can you determine whether the researcher had not been
biased and they always are as to the fact that Paul Feyerabend in his books
Against Method and Science in a Free Society Feyerabend defended the idea that
there are no methodological rules which are always used by scientists. He
objected to any single prescriptive scientific method on the grounds that any
such method would limit the activities of scientists, and hence restrict
scientific progress. In his view, science would benefit most from a
"dose" of theoretical anarchism. He also thought that theoretical
anarchism was desirable because it was more humanitarian than other systems of
organization, by not imposing rigid rules on scientists. There no big
difference between social science and faith”
A PHD is just to argument in academia and yet their is a split between
people and academia and that why I write for people and don’t aspire to become
a PHD person but a writer a blogger who seeks pure truth and express this such like an artist
and a scientist that both mission is truth scientist and art in a world but where the
academia makes thing unlegable and conspires to its believes... While on
science that is art this one day I explain it in the book I’m writing which
will be a second one but yet again I am proved by faith by mysticism as I feel
it in my hearth as Albert Einstein a mystic in a sense also felt it as man is a
spiritual being first then an artist and that is the first step for sucsess.
(All man is destined to be an artist and yet not all man become an artist.)
Albert Einstein is famous to say in fact agree or not famous said to have
“The religion of the future will
be cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and
Science is achieved by imaginaion and
Albert Einstein quote says “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all
we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and
all there ever will be to know
and understand.”
Success is not
related to education.
It is 80%
behaviour 20% knowledge –Dave Ramsey
To be at a millionaire don't look at a broke economic
professor look at a millionares.
So in reality as I see it it better to look at him such
as Nero Linguistic Programing advice as such facts of its are seen to match as
how the brains start to think as Aristotle would say once you associate with
someone you start to think like him.
Do you know a little joke MBA what it stands? It stands
for “MBA – Management by absence”455
455 The 4 Hour Work Weeek – Tim
In the end The teacher gives not of his wisdom, but rather of his
faith and lovingness." Khalil Gibran The writer the artist
the same we all human need to be spiritual and artistic it is in our human
nature in the end to be so.