Saturday, December 7, 2013

What I found - a poem

Today I found this poem and want to share it. I do not have alot of time to write a lot today even though perhaps strictly speaking... I need to continue to find myself but who knows yet I need to keep in mind to do more research about who wrote this.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I’m trying to make sense of my past.
On how this all ended till know and the start,
Trying to grab the sense of this year and its past,
about relationships that occurred to me
and how to accept that a relationship is surely ended
that a person does not think on you in a way that you desire in free will
To close four or five years of your past.
but you Love her still perhaps in some form of way
In any true Love that does not die.
and even thou she is not the best for you, to keep moving risking to lose her for ever to be happy
joyful with that another person....
To be happy with that new person.

Fear to love arise,
Fear to make sense perhaps...
I’m trying to make sense of my past.
Listening to music to start my new journey
But as we continue to move 
God surrounds humanity
God surrounds me
I’m trying to make sense of my past.
To start again to Love again
How can I Love
When I’m afraid perhaps 
But I try to love again.

And yet I’m trying to make sense of my past.
     And on what happened during these times that I didn't realize.

And yet you need to Love
But is it worth it to Love again and again?
The humanity indeed the special that perhaps will be.

Jesus I pray....