On the Absurd and
the General Truths
Truth is divided into 4 categories. At
the first level is based on the Ultimate
truth which is according the Dalai Lama in his book My Spiritual
Autobiography that which recognises inherent reality in phenomena which in my
book Skizzi Assurd I write it perceives our existence our reality. Thus I add
this is the Absurd. Then there is the Relative truth. This is done for examples by society that changes
its attitude by the process of evolution such as Pragmatic ethics suggest and
perhaps now if it wants also by design as Edward De Bono proposes as we are all
artist in the end as Joseph Beuys and Novalis said and believed. This is seen
for example how something is seen by a process of time at time by society and
by authority and how it changes by time. This is based on circumstance. The
second level is Constructive truth
which is basically is Mathematics and Logic. Mathematician and logician can
more explain well this. This is because it starts from axiom such as 1+1 and we
construct 2 (Gödel's incompleteness theorems, etc). This is very powerful within
it area of application, but it is limited. The third is Perceptual truth.
Everything is governed by perception as the mathematician logician and every
person thinks with his Logic to make it more accurate as Friedrich Nietzsche
stated in 1878 in Human, All Too Human thought "logic [came] into
existence in man's head [out] of illogic, whose realm originally must have been
immense. Innumerable beings who made inferences in a way different from ours
perished". Thus there is the idea that logical inference has a use as a
tool for human survival, but that its existence does not support the existence
of truth, nor does it have a reality beyond the instrumental: "Logic, too,
also rests on assumptions that do not correspond to anything in the real world".
Perception is based on a believe system(a making sense of things the circular
system in which belief sets perception that reinforce the belief as that is how
Edward De Bono describe belief system in his book I am Right You Are Wrong),
there is no law of contradiction it is neither right or wrong but rather the
absurd I add and also objectivity and experience as we look at the world while
our mind organise what we are seeing at the moment as the behaviour is of a
self-organising patterning system that is totally different from the table top
logic of traditional reasoning I am Right You Are Wrong states again.
“The new thinking of the New Renaissance are to
be based on the most fundamental of all bases, more fundamental than philosophical
word-play or belief system. They are to be based directly on how the human
brain works and in particular the way the human way creates perception” Edward
De Bono writes in the book I Am Right You Are Wrong. He continues that the last
renaissance received and polished the methods of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
the golden age of Greek philosophy. It is possible that that the argument
method was in use before and De Bono continue that Socrates developed it in a
formidable procedure. Then there is a remarkable paradox of how history made
the revival of Greek argument thinking in the last renaissance while he
proposes a new renaissance that of design that is an evolution of such
thinking. But on the last renaissance it served a dual purpose. On the one hand
used by humanistic thinkers that used the system of logic and reason to attack
the dogma that suffocated society. On the other hand, church thinker led by the
genius of Thomas Aquinas of Naples developed the same argument of logic into a
powerful way of defeating the numerous heresies that were forever surfacing.
Perhaps this is not so surprising, since the new method was such an obvious
advance on existing thinking method. He continues that truth is a destination
is a very powerful motivator. We may never claim to have reached the truth but
we journey in that direction for Buddhism is enlightenment for Catholics is
self improvement and I add that I hope also for any person in the end that is
to agree with the philosopher’s journey of search. In his book Teach Yourself
To Think Edward De Bono writes “From Plato came an obsession with truth and the
belief that we could establish this logically. This believe has been a powerful
motivator to all subsequent thinkers and he adds that Plato was a fascist. From
Socrates in this book he writes that we took argumentation Dialectics criticism
that is more important to construct what is wrong that what is useful and
ultimately from Aristotle we inherited that which is based on “is” and “is not”
and avoidance of contradiction. He says that the past used logic is called Rock
Logic that is permanent and unchanging absolute and we need to use water logic
instead which is a flexible logic and which rock logic can also be in as rocks
are in the sea, in water. This is based on “to”.
This time circumstance change with shape and
that know we should not neglect development in the creative perceptual and
design you can analyse the past but you need to design the future. Judgement
for Edward De Bono is good were future is the same as the past but he adds that
nowadays it totally inadequate in changing the world as the old boxes do not
apply today that why we need to design Jean Baudrillard write; “The end of
history is, alas, also the end of the dustbins of history. There are no longer
any dustbins for disposing of old ideologies, old regimes, old values. Where
are we going to throw Marxism, which actually invented the dustbins of history?
(Yet there is some justice here since the very people who invented them have
fallen in.) Conclusion: if there are no more dustbins of history, this is
because History itself has become a dustbin. It has become its own dustbin,
just as the planet itself is becoming its own dustbin” ^ The Illusion of the
End, or Selected Writings, p. 263. In I Am Right You Are Wrong De Bono writes
if we felt that we were already operating at the limit of our thinking system
there would be little hope and in his book Teach Yourself to think he writes
that rather than argument we use the six
thinking hat method while he believes that analysis is
useful for description such as language is in the end but analysis is useless
for operations. Thus we construct creative, design and constructive energy with
our methods of thinking and we start dealing with perception. He also start his
book Teach Yourself To Think by writing “because you need thinking to make
plans, take initiatives, solve problems, open up opportunities and design your
way forward” and that this may be fun and enjoyable. Thinking deliver you were
you want to enjoy values and feelings to the maximum potential. Thinking
without values is an aimless action he writes. Thus forming a pyramid at the
first level we have feelings and values that come from perception and then up
we have thinking. In Water Logic he writes that perception which is the way we
look at the world or the way our mind organise what we are seeing at the moment
is the only reality for the persons involved and he adds that the flow of our
attention over the outer world is strongly influenced by the perceptual patterns
we set up in the inner world our mind that means. He adds that from water logic
he takes the concept of fit into circumstance or condition and same thing of
flows that take place in dynamics.
In the end a thought once thought cannot be
unthought he writes in I Am Right You Are Wrong.
is just a form of constructed description tool for communication which means a
limitation of language and the imperatives of the media and yet a great power
to change sentiments. Thus we can have a description done by language that
construct reality as it affects perception or do a model that should embody
mathematical reasons for example. But still there is no truth in perception
maximum a proto truth that is an absolute that we hold so long as we are trying
to change it as Edward De Bono suggests.
Language for Edward De Bono in his book I am Right You Are Wrong states that
language is a poor thinking system, yet it dominate our thinking till know and
it create the seductive dichotomies which we need and create in order to
operate the logical principle of contradiction of good/evil, Either/or, us/them
etc. Jacques Derrida the inventor of Deconstruction also created the theory of
binary oppositions that is a belief in pairs and opposites and of one of the
pairs that is suppressed while the other is brought above thus for him good has
no meaning unless evil exist thus this is because we are in the Constructive age rather than the Perceptual age.
Thus the absurd truth exists because it cannot be
defined. Thus it exists. This is because of the reclusiveness that occurs. Thus
is to words when in the end they cannot be defined and the language games that
exist. Thus is why we cannot understand the absolute the void or the not void
and thus we keep questioning the absolute. This is seen in the simple sum of
1+1=2 were we has something that we need to prove. The 2 is proven but the ones
are not in reality the sum is (x=1) +(x=1) =2 and the x is recursive. Thus a
positivistic paradox exist a stairs that never finishes and thus we need
existentialism to finalise our thinking till know as the preposition of the
absurd becomes the centre off everything while therefore we recognise that we
believe more than that we can prove, and that we know more than what we can say
as Michael Polanyi argued in reality while Martin Heidegger put it ontology is
before epistemology. Thus any method is to reduce this absurd while building on
it in the end thus we need to live in this Absurd and that is the Post-Post
Modernism with our knowledge the truth thus the absurd watches and is present
and we try to simplify it in the end as I live cause of the absurd as we have
our leap of faiths philosophical suicides in Albert Camus words. Being in the
book Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology written by
Jean Paul Sartre he identifies both being-in-itself and being-for-itself but
the latter is a destruction of the former. Absurdism thus is the point of
reference the being for itself. Therefore it is nothingness absolute negation
which according to the book Does God Exists? By Hans Kung according to Hegel
absolute negation is the power of life. Thus I add the existence of the example
x is beyond the essence/identity which is the 1 the being-in-itself the
non-conscious being which is the sort of phenomena that is greater than the
knowledge that we have of it while consciousness achieves the recognition of
such existence as it affirms such existence and thus the same absurd is perhaps
the power of life that perhaps it does perceive our existence as a preposition
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is
absurd” Voltaire
“If the world were clear, art would not exist” The
Myth of Sisyphus Albert Camus
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