Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Classical Music Today

I found this links on classical music and today reality on classical music and how it can be explained in today's reality. 

Another thing I found interesting are these 2 links that merges Classical music with new modern dance such as break-dance and therefore trying to merge modern vs classic. I personally find this truly creative and innovative.


This is a modern way how classical music can be liked by the young generation explained and in all links see how classical music can be more understood in the end in this evolving world. This is a challenge that should be taken in Malta to make Classical music to become more popular be more understood and reinterpreted in a new way.

Photo of Frédéric Chopin http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Chopin,_by_Wodzinska.JPG/250px-Chopin,_by_Wodzinska.JPG

Should This The Way We Should Teach Should We Be Afraid Of The Challenge?

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