Friday, November 21, 2014

A Pinch Of Sucsess

When we believe success is impossible we criticize it. While sometimes we think success it is mystical that we need to find it rather than create it. Sometimes we believe in luck and again success is the need to create it. Again we can think it is productivity and again this is not success. Success is a holistic formula. It is neither opportunity or recognition or connection. Opportunity make us wait rather than create. Recognition thus not necessary make us happy while connection does not necessary mean that we succeed we need to create. Sometimes we think it is an event but what only events do is just change us shift us. Success is a process. A holistic process. Growth yet is focusing on today. Success is building as what you become is what you do today. Each day should be a masterpiece. What you control is today. Future is only determined by today. So be discipline and do great job today with great decisions. First as you make decision (Having right attitude, priorities, family, health, good thinking, keeping commitment, finances, faith and investing in solid relationship, generosity, keep growing and creating values and then come the discipline. Decisions help us to start while discipline help us to continue. Don't regret one day that you did not start. As you need to create as you need to start with yourself as you have something to give before you get. Focus on what you can see and work on while starting early. So the greater the compound is. The attitude is what makes you enjoy what you do. Happiness is not difficult to experience it is you inside you it is Divine. You need to work. The attitude influence our life. Do effect the outcome of what you do. The confident person makes positivity and prosperity. Create positivity thus succeed and thus become a great Leader.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is the scope of man? In the book, I will publish my philosophy of money and how to easily invest. This is one point. I will tell you how easy success is. It easy to seem boring sometimes. What is an extraordinary life? Everybody lives a normal life. Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both are rich both still work. How to spend time. Work is necessary but surely the important thing is to be happy. Dalai Lama the fourteen believe in laughter. Don’t think a lot perhaps. Who knows?  What is truth? Pieces of the reality of this game. The reality is that I try to see this reality that perhaps is in me who knows. But whether in the few poetry that I wrote in the book with the poetry or prayers of affirmations and contemplation that I wrote everyone is a poet. But... Comical life is comical sometimes. A tragedy who nows? Fulfill your dream don’t fear yet.

Who are we?
To see
Bliss in our eyes that blind us
What is
Who knows


Whether we live with the help of God whether we discover God?
Life is a mystery.
In the ordinary perhaps.
Mystery creates myth...

Writing is In the ordinary perhaps.
Mystery creates myth...


Writing is there to create this myth to figure this myth such as painting. Artists are all that an artist once said how can people not paint not write... Yet, while I still trying to figure myself out writing poetry, I have published my first book Skizzi Assurd, and am writing to publish my second book.. But this is another story but...

What is life
And yet
What is life
But Why
What is life


Thursday, November 13, 2014

The book is being edited is nearly finished. 2 chapters remaining. Cool and arranging intro and conclusion an then publishing it in USA Amazon. I’m a poet, writer and future salesman hopefully. Sometimes I painter. In the meantime I’m working as a writer hopefully when I get the car I become a sales man. Zig Ziglar inspired me. For what purpose I’m living. Surely now I realise that man exist for work and to find little bliss in spirituality but he can not live in bliss always if he will do nothing. And man the proper man is an artist poet and a shaman. For surely school did not make me so but I hopefully in these steps of living I becoming  so. A sensitive person a more person that realise reality and identify the things that make me alive. Here in this skizziAssurd blog I write what I feel in the now such as my first poem book Aglo Maltese with essays I also love hiking appart that I love nature but by contrast I love the city the city is life in the end.  But from now I go to write another  book I’m inspired by music especially a lot. This writing is absurd, hopefully I hope. In should start training as well. Last year I did 10 k run, I used to run. But know I don’t know. The Absurd took the more. But running is nice. It great work. But I need to write more and more. Life is a game. Surely. I’m also in a community and I’m a Christian. I believe in biblical investment and yet I need to find an idea for a biblical business, I need to pray a lot if it God will it come yet and hopefully I succeed to sell the next book inspire people to be happy. Ultimately I write to find myself, as sub conscious here this blog is a dustbin while I need to find a subject that matter to me whether I create a community a tribe that follows me will see latter I don’t know but.  Or that neutron is the past and everything leads us to the absurd to what we can not understand. We humans and poets.