Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is the scope of man? In the book, I will publish my philosophy of money and how to easily invest. This is one point. I will tell you how easy success is. It easy to seem boring sometimes. What is an extraordinary life? Everybody lives a normal life. Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both are rich both still work. How to spend time. Work is necessary but surely the important thing is to be happy. Dalai Lama the fourteen believe in laughter. Don’t think a lot perhaps. Who knows?  What is truth? Pieces of the reality of this game. The reality is that I try to see this reality that perhaps is in me who knows. But whether in the few poetry that I wrote in the book with the poetry or prayers of affirmations and contemplation that I wrote everyone is a poet. But... Comical life is comical sometimes. A tragedy who nows? Fulfill your dream don’t fear yet.

Who are we?
To see
Bliss in our eyes that blind us
What is
Who knows


Whether we live with the help of God whether we discover God?
Life is a mystery.
In the ordinary perhaps.
Mystery creates myth...

Writing is In the ordinary perhaps.
Mystery creates myth...


Writing is there to create this myth to figure this myth such as painting. Artists are all that an artist once said how can people not paint not write... Yet, while I still trying to figure myself out writing poetry, I have published my first book Skizzi Assurd, and am writing to publish my second book.. But this is another story but...

What is life
And yet
What is life
But Why
What is life


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