Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Journey Politics/Life/Philosophy - A BIT OF BIO

My vision change with time. As one starts to think in his adolescence at such tender young age one start to  flirt with new ideas. In my case I flirted with Communism the idea that God is opium of the people and the philosophical problem of infinitism that created lots of debate in me and anxiety and much more.... In a way during these year having removed God, questioning whether I exist and trying to find a political ideal I called myself Socialist and free thinker while I also was influenced by George Orwell and H.G Wells all this happened around the ages of 14 and 15. This was supported by the fact that in the Catholic school I attended I saw many things not conforming to the Bible. During this time I kept the dictum that St Augustine who I saw as the best Saint thou I refused Chatolocism I never refused authentic people whatever baground they came from authenticity comes only when one  love truth and this fascinated me. Also he was a saint but he experimented in his life experiments and perhaps because he messed in his life and his thinking I found him interesting with his search for truth as I continue to see today a story of redemption in him. At school at Stella Maris Malta Gzira was in fact waisted time I did not learn important things many things I got them alone while at this age between 15-16 I was more preocupied with philosophy. One teacher told me that I was going to not pass the Math o'level exam something which I did not surely do I passed the O level of maths not because of her as she ran like a Ferrari in her teaching and not giving chance for questions I asked questions but teachers pissed themselves telling me I am a nuisance or was always out of subject, yes Stella Maris Gzira was horrible..... And wasn’t to my standard a non true intellectual school a waist of time. Mediocrety was daily and normality among  students and teachers who were uninterested in searching the truth and no creativity and some were even given preferences amongst harsh bullying that was present from everyone.... As all this deduce.

At 16 end of my 15 years old I gave a try to write and as I was inspired by my teacher in private lessons of Maltese that thought me poetry while also loved and had my emotional disturbances of having to face previous and continuous infatuation and to deal with it and I found writing helps while I thus wrote without knowing and a why. I thus my first experimentation with writing was to explore poetry and to see what will happen and after 5 years evolved my book Skizzi Assurd was ready to publish at 19... mostly 19 enough and by 20 started to publish it by 21 I did so I self published it. This was done with the help of Prof. Fr. Peter Serachino Inglot who I discussed a lot of matters with him while I realized that he was a true priest humble, intelligent and you could see Christ living in him as I grew and in this project of poetry even thou it had intervals. I wrote also a play and first knew him in fact because I went to interview him first on this play a true philosophical Absurd play were I expressed my philosophical problems part of a course project I decided to write on of Systems of knowledge – ontological and epistemological ones. (A audio of the interview in Maltese is on the internet)... In the end I always found school boring indoctrinating especially the Communist building of the high school Junior College and that in reality was full of students that did not wanted to exercise their mind deeply but want it to be superficial and at the same with the teachers mentality. At that time I was a rebel a Camusian and I found that Educators and education wanted to destroy my intellect and that school wanted to imprison me rather then liberate me and thus to destroy my intellect and make me a robot like all education is perhaps done in Malta and perhaps all over the world and thus it is for the individual to rise up ultimately.

In the meantime at 16 and 17 Metal was fun I listened especially to Burzum and around 17 perhaps I also  turned green shamanistic but I don’t recall at this time of studying high school a lot while I also later I continued to declare agnosticism. Later I became alone and took Camus dictum that life is Absurd perhaps we get enlightened in the process. Covey had later at 19 an a half led me to a spiritual direction together with hurts I had and some Dalai Lama books helped me survive while at that year when I was 20 I started to write another book while I quit Burzum... while friends went their way and yet with such books and I don't know how I came across a community and then I found God with in me and I therefore consider myself a Christian. Then I continue writing and finished a 300 A4 page book who I did not know what to do with them how to make sense of them. God found me an editor who is helping me and ultimately the book is forming. My philosophy is written on white in this book and I will publish it on December 2015. My politics turned and I have my thoughts perhaps who I will explain latter, my life in its limitations was adventurous in a search for knowledge and to form the ultimate idea even thou I have can never reach it but I walk in it.... Thou I have no ideas on what to write perhaps... But then we see this is a short Bio and idea... while who knows whether other people will bring order to my writing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Classical Music Today

I found this links on classical music and today reality on classical music and how it can be explained in today's reality. 

Another thing I found interesting are these 2 links that merges Classical music with new modern dance such as break-dance and therefore trying to merge modern vs classic. I personally find this truly creative and innovative.


This is a modern way how classical music can be liked by the young generation explained and in all links see how classical music can be more understood in the end in this evolving world. This is a challenge that should be taken in Malta to make Classical music to become more popular be more understood and reinterpreted in a new way.

Photo of Frédéric Chopin,_by_Wodzinska.JPG/250px-Chopin,_by_Wodzinska.JPG

Should This The Way We Should Teach Should We Be Afraid Of The Challenge?