Friday, May 25, 2012

Edward De Bono On Art

Edward De Bono in his book I Am Right You Are Wrong write that art is directly concerned with redirecting existing perceptions and changing them, but does not encourage perceptual skills. In the end art is a form of communication while in his book Water Logic he writes that art need to highlight, to deepend perception and to open up insights. This is done by disrupting the patterns, by juxtaposing patterns by providing new pattern framework and he give us the example that when anything new arise such as Impressionism it was first was judged ugly, hideous by most art critic. This was because it was “ugly” when viewed through the frames of expectation of existing and traditional painting. He continues that people had to be trained to look at the painting in a different way to appreciate their beauty. Carrying this to the extreme is Andy Warhol Brillo Boxes or put a pile of scattered bricks in an art gallery and you ask the people as a work of art then they really do become a work of art. Our normal perception patterns treat bricks and treated the Brillo boxes as mundane material but if we break the loop of our perception pattern we see them differently but still keep a faint echo of their constructive value. This is because when we explore a rouse clearly we set perception but then we pass that perception as we just see it and put it somewhere generally and we don't break any pattern anymore.


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