Monday, May 7, 2012

History is a debate about perception

If Hitler won the war against the world we would say simple Hitler was the greatest General, governor, woman would adore him and etc. What the fuss about the film Dear Dom it all about perception. Let say I retain that Mintof was a mental disabled, I can hold that that my  perception my idea of perception who are you to tell me I am wrong, who would lead me not to categorize Mintof in that way if that is how I categorize him, thus it exists the negotiated world perception and the subjective perception. 

To continue the film Dear Dom was great in its scope in the scope of art's role in Edward De Bono sense the Times was full of remarks about the film it made us discuss. It tried us and made us agree or disagree to debate facts the same facts that can be seen as just-full and great perhaps. Some people say that Mintof fought against poverty others say that he was a Communist that robbed the rich and gave to other poor but never gave his villa true or false I will not comment I leave it to debate... and rather then an admirable Robin Hood he was more of a genius of political manipulator with his villa like the Communist dictator of China in these people's terms. The problem with Mintof is that he remains debatable he was a hero for some and an idiot for others. The truth is that its only about perception there is no truth we just need to become mature Maltese that it mature humans. It is the history that show fact that are introspective and just like in the case of Hitler. Truth does not exist and we just making a fuss when arguing and taking everything to seriously. In the end Mintof was not like Jesus or the Budha which personally I respect these people more honestly they affected my life more than him. And ultimately he was not a Superman in Friedrich Nietzsche terms and if he is or was or will be people can claim everything even about Paris Hilton when she dies.

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