Monday, December 31, 2012

On the Absurd and the General Truths

Truth is divided into 4 categories. At the first level is based on the Ultimate truth which is according the Dalai Lama in his book My Spiritual Autobiography that which recognises inherent reality in phenomena which in my book Skizzi Assurd I write it perceives our existence our reality. Thus I add this is the Absurd. Then there is the Relative truth. This is done for examples by society that changes its attitude by the process of evolution such as Pragmatic ethics suggest and perhaps now if it wants also by design as Edward De Bono proposes as we are all artist in the end as Joseph Beuys and Novalis said and believed. This is seen for example how something is seen by a process of time at time by society and by authority and how it changes by time. This is based on circumstance. The second level is Constructive truth which is basically is Mathematics and Logic. Mathematician and logician can more explain well this. This is because it starts from axiom such as 1+1 and we construct 2 (Gödel's incompleteness theorems, etc). This is very powerful within it area of application, but it is limited. The third is Perceptual truth. Everything is governed by perception as the mathematician logician and every person thinks with his Logic to make it more accurate as Friedrich Nietzsche stated in 1878 in Human, All Too Human thought "logic [came] into existence in man's head [out] of illogic, whose realm originally must have been immense. Innumerable beings who made inferences in a way different from ours perished". Thus there is the idea that logical inference has a use as a tool for human survival, but that its existence does not support the existence of truth, nor does it have a reality beyond the instrumental: "Logic, too, also rests on assumptions that do not correspond to anything in the real world". Perception is based on a believe system(a making sense of things the circular system in which belief sets perception that reinforce the belief as that is how Edward De Bono describe belief system in his book I am Right You Are Wrong), there is no law of contradiction it is neither right or wrong but rather the absurd I add and also objectivity and experience as we look at the world while our mind organise what we are seeing at the moment as the behaviour is of a self-organising patterning system that is totally different from the table top logic of traditional reasoning I am Right You Are Wrong states again.
“The new thinking of the New Renaissance are to be based on the most fundamental of all bases, more fundamental than philosophical word-play or belief system. They are to be based directly on how the human brain works and in particular the way the human way creates perception” Edward De Bono writes in the book I Am Right You Are Wrong. He continues that the last renaissance received and polished the methods of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle the golden age of Greek philosophy. It is possible that that the argument method was in use before and De Bono continue that Socrates developed it in a formidable procedure. Then there is a remarkable paradox of how history made the revival of Greek argument thinking in the last renaissance while he proposes a new renaissance that of design that is an evolution of such thinking. But on the last renaissance it served a dual purpose. On the one hand used by humanistic thinkers that used the system of logic and reason to attack the dogma that suffocated society. On the other hand, church thinker led by the genius of Thomas Aquinas of Naples developed the same argument of logic into a powerful way of defeating the numerous heresies that were forever surfacing. Perhaps this is not so surprising, since the new method was such an obvious advance on existing thinking method. He continues that truth is a destination is a very powerful motivator. We may never claim to have reached the truth but we journey in that direction for Buddhism is enlightenment for Catholics is self improvement and I add that I hope also for any person in the end that is to agree with the philosopher’s journey of search. In his book Teach Yourself To Think Edward De Bono writes “From Plato came an obsession with truth and the belief that we could establish this logically. This believe has been a powerful motivator to all subsequent thinkers and he adds that Plato was a fascist. From Socrates in this book he writes that we took argumentation Dialectics criticism that is more important to construct what is wrong that what is useful and ultimately from Aristotle we inherited that which is based on “is” and “is not” and avoidance of contradiction. He says that the past used logic is called Rock Logic that is permanent and unchanging absolute and we need to use water logic instead which is a flexible logic and which rock logic can also be in as rocks are in the sea, in water. This is based on “to”.

This time circumstance change with shape and that know we should not neglect development in the creative perceptual and design you can analyse the past but you need to design the future. Judgement for Edward De Bono is good were future is the same as the past but he adds that nowadays it totally inadequate in changing the world as the old boxes do not apply today that why we need to design Jean Baudrillard write; “The end of history is, alas, also the end of the dustbins of history. There are no longer any dustbins for disposing of old ideologies, old regimes, old values. Where are we going to throw Marxism, which actually invented the dustbins of history? (Yet there is some justice here since the very people who invented them have fallen in.) Conclusion: if there are no more dustbins of history, this is because History itself has become a dustbin. It has become its own dustbin, just as the planet itself is becoming its own dustbin” ^ The Illusion of the End, or Selected Writings, p. 263. In I Am Right You Are Wrong De Bono writes if we felt that we were already operating at the limit of our thinking system there would be little hope and in his book Teach Yourself to think he writes that rather than argument we use the six thinking hat method while he believes that analysis is useful for description such as language is in the end but analysis is useless for operations. Thus we construct creative, design and constructive energy with our methods of thinking and we start dealing with perception. He also start his book Teach Yourself To Think by writing “because you need thinking to make plans, take initiatives, solve problems, open up opportunities and design your way forward” and that this may be fun and enjoyable. Thinking deliver you were you want to enjoy values and feelings to the maximum potential. Thinking without values is an aimless action he writes. Thus forming a pyramid at the first level we have feelings and values that come from perception and then up we have thinking. In Water Logic he writes that perception which is the way we look at the world or the way our mind organise what we are seeing at the moment is the only reality for the persons involved and he adds that the flow of our attention over the outer world is strongly influenced by the perceptual patterns we set up in the inner world our mind that means. He adds that from water logic he takes the concept of fit into circumstance or condition and same thing of flows that take place in dynamics.

In the end a thought once thought cannot be unthought he writes in I Am Right You Are Wrong.

Language is just a form of constructed description tool for communication which means a limitation of language and the imperatives of the media and yet a great power to change sentiments. Thus we can have a description done by language that construct reality as it affects perception or do a model that should embody mathematical reasons for example. But still there is no truth in perception maximum a proto truth that is an absolute that we hold so long as we are trying to change it as Edward De Bono suggests.

Also Language for Edward De Bono in his book I am Right You Are Wrong states that language is a poor thinking system, yet it dominate our thinking till know and it create the seductive dichotomies which we need and create in order to operate the logical principle of contradiction of good/evil, Either/or, us/them etc. Jacques Derrida the inventor of Deconstruction also created the theory of binary oppositions that is a belief in pairs and opposites and of one of the pairs that is suppressed while the other is brought above thus for him good has no meaning unless evil exist thus this is because we are in the Constructive age rather than the Perceptual age.

Thus the absurd truth exists because it cannot be defined. Thus it exists. This is because of the reclusiveness that occurs. Thus is to words when in the end they cannot be defined and the language games that exist. Thus is why we cannot understand the absolute the void or the not void and thus we keep questioning the absolute. This is seen in the simple sum of 1+1=2 were we has something that we need to prove. The 2 is proven but the ones are not in reality the sum is (x=1) +(x=1) =2 and the x is recursive. Thus a positivistic paradox exist a stairs that never finishes and thus we need existentialism to finalise our thinking till know as the preposition of the absurd becomes the centre off everything while therefore we recognise that we believe more than that we can prove, and that we know more than what we can say as Michael Polanyi argued in reality while Martin Heidegger put it ontology is before epistemology. Thus any method is to reduce this absurd while building on it in the end thus we need to live in this Absurd and that is the Post-Post Modernism with our knowledge the truth thus the absurd watches and is present and we try to simplify it in the end as I live cause of the absurd as we have our leap of faiths philosophical suicides in Albert Camus words. Being in the book Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology written by Jean Paul Sartre he identifies both being-in-itself and being-for-itself but the latter is a destruction of the former. Absurdism thus is the point of reference the being for itself. Therefore it is nothingness absolute negation which according to the book Does God Exists? By Hans Kung according to Hegel absolute negation is the power of life. Thus I add the existence of the example x is beyond the essence/identity which is the 1 the being-in-itself the non-conscious being which is the sort of phenomena that is greater than the knowledge that we have of it while consciousness achieves the recognition of such existence as it affirms such existence and thus the same absurd is perhaps the power of life that perhaps it does perceive our existence as a preposition

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd” Voltaire

“If the world were clear, art would not exist” The Myth of Sisyphus Albert Camus

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mark Montebello On Anarchism and Institution

1) First of all I say that I liked the book Il-Fidwa ta L-Anarkiżmu and it would be great to be translated into another language such as English. So therefore do you consider yourself an Anarchist and can you tell me the history of such Facultative Anarchism that you propose for the best solution for humanity and how come such idea came up in your perception?

Most people think of anarchism as total chaos. This is the popular perception of anarchism which cannot be farther from the truth. Anarchism is a system wherewith people can come closer to their natural being as free agents. For this reason, anarchism is opposed to all forms of oppression or coercion, whether it comes from cultural factors or from institutional entities. So, if you ask me whether I am an anarchist in this sense, not in the popular sense, I have no doubt to answer you, yes, I am. Now what I have called ‘facultative anarchism’ is one of the first steps in the process of individual and collective liberation from the shackles of oppression or coercion. It is a psychological way, if you like, of preparing oneself to be autonomous and independent, a way which may remove a person from virtually being a slave of others. This I have learnt close up by living in a society the institutions of which are practically absolute, and where dissent is unaccepted. Throughout the literature and practice of anarchism, say from the 18th century onwards, such a personal liberating culture has been at the basis of any other action for the freedom of society.

2) Is Facultative Anarchism possible? Do you think you are an Idealist?

What I call ‘facultative anarchism’ is certainly possible since it related to psychological attitudes which do not be necessarily overt. On adopting such an attitude one may not bring an immediate revolution to one’s life styles. Nevertheless, it may be the beginning of a transformation which, in the long run, will make a lot of difference. If one is not mentally and affectionately free, one will never be able to accomplish further stages of freedom, autonomy and independence. Considering this, of course I am an idealist. I believe that it is possible for people to escape the many modes of oppression and coercion that surround them. I believe that this is achievable, and that it has already begun to take place.

3) Dostoyevsky once wrote that if Jesus would return and preach his message of liberation he would be again crucified. Also the church which makes the Catholic religion is an organised religion that makes part of an institution therefore we can see resemblance with what happened in the end to Jesus to Marx where his aim to free the consciousness from the tyranny of economic exploitation was turned to a system of repression in the U.S.S.R while also to Sigmund Freud which his discovery of psychoanalysis was then said to have become by Michel Foucault to have turned as an institution. Also how would you comment to this statement and do you see that doubt can lead to a more true religious conviction and were such Anarchism suggested in your book Il-Fidwa ta l-Anarkiżmu that create doubt and check up make such institution more open such as an open society giving more credibility to the institution existence?

Institution are from their very nature oppressive. They cannot change their nature. Also, we cannot not live within institutions, at least how our lives are organised at the present moment. Nonetheless, we must all strive to increase as much as possible our personal freedom while still living within institutions. Not to change institutions, for this is not possible, but to await a time when we can do with the least institutions as possible. This can be personal and it can also be communal. Revolutions which failed all follow a pattern. They began with eliminating the oppressive and coercive institutions before transforming personal attitudes and social consciousness. That’s putting the cart before the horse. Jesus never spoke of institutions. He spoke about conversion of the heart and mind. It was only later that institutional concepts crept in and distorted the philosophy of Jesus. The male-dominated world is obsessed with institutionalisation. This is the perfect recipe for domination. Religion cannot liberate people. It is just another form of domination and oppression. Only spirituality can, for this is a question of attitudes, character, and ways of thinking and behaving.

4) Do you think that what you described in Il-Fidwa ta Anarkiżmu occurred in the Nationalist party institution that "criminalised" Franco De Bono?

Surely but not only. De Bono’s case is a known one. However, in all sectors of life and employment people go through the same situation. They are generally not known but to their inner friends and family. Each and every one of us needs to discover what I call ‘facultative anarchy’, that is, the faculty to be free despite everything and everyone.

5) How can you realise that somebody is living his life authentically or is suffering effective disability or is in power for hedonistic purposes or only because he is accepting effective disability?

There are a number of signposts. Conforming is one of them. People who want to play the institutional game give up their freedom and submit to the obligations of their institutions. They become as if they were an extension of their institutions. Another marker is their readiness to submit the welfare of individuals to the needs of institutions. They lack the profound respect due to each and every person; persons are only considered to be numbers, clients and files who, even unwilling, assist in the power which the institution amassed for itself. Yet another pointer is a person’s double-standards, wherewith an aura of compliance and formality is upheld for the functionability of institutional requirements while a private sphere will be completely or partially different. These are some of the indications that a person is consciously and willing submitting to be effectively disabled. There is no authenticity in this. There is only a will to take a ride over the institution’s back, even if this means relinquishing one’s freedom and integrity.

6) What benefits are you going to have being with authentic people?

The benefit of being true to oneself is the greatest benefit of all. But there are others. There are the pleasures of doing the work one likes to do, to be content in one’s employment, to be free to express oneself as one feels and desires, to discover the blessings of community living, to enjoy the fruits of one’s own work, to take pleasure in leisure, and others.

7) What benefits you are going to have being with socially excluded people?

People excluded from one social group are people included in another. The idea here is not to be a happy hermit living a life of seclusion and isolation. The idea is to live within a community. We never live in communities, very often not even within our families. Very often we are simply people who happen to be together. This is not a community. Discovering anarchism is being a living stone in the edifice of a community, where communication is held as the cementing material of all members, and where love ― not force, threats, coercion, etc. ― are the rule of the day.

8) Do you think that Facultative Anarchism will be part of a post-post modern world were there is much more awareness for an open society to be real, more awareness for democracy as Facultative Anarchism would be applied in the spheres of institution, more awareness for the environment. Therefore as Max Weber believed that ideas and values have transforming power. Thus in modernism we got oppressive institutions while in the post modernism we have the beginning of breaking of these institutions ultimately in post-post modernism we arrive to the ultimate liberation were this need time to continue developing while we would not end destroying ourselves such as the population of Easter Island as you once told me?

The concept which is being developed to today is to aspire to live in a ‘post-human’ world. What this could mean is that we unfetter ourselves from the idea that human beings are something special amongst other animals and in nature. What I call ‘facultative anarchism’ is the first step towards a free love relationship with other fellow human beings, with all living creatures and with all creation. The ideal is not confined to the human sphere alone. Post-modernism, by abandoning concepts such as those of grand-narratives, the truth, and objectivity, amongst others, have opening up a world of possibilities and adventures which were unknown before. Nevertheless, in the process it also squashed and snubbed the value of love, community, fraternity, equality, freedom, and other important ethical ideals. Post-modernism relativised everything; it made everything flat; it reduced everything to mere whims, transitory impulses, passing urges, quirks, fads, and caprices. Post-modernism deflated, and rightly, the supposed grandiosity of human beings. Nevertheless, this might have not been what was needed; or better, this is not what we need. We need to re-discover the value of human beings, not as special, unique or extraordinary creatures, for we are nothing of the sort. We are part of nature. We are nature. We are one being amongst all other animate and inanimate beings that exist. We have to re-discover our oneness with nature. Only anarchism can do that.

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The ideas of the interviewee may not represent the ideas of the interviewer.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Human echolocation is an ability of humans to detect objects in their environment by sensing echoes from those objects. By actively creating sounds – for example, by tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot or making clicking noises with their mouths – people trained to orientate with echolocation can interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects, accurately identifying their location and size. This ability is used by some blind people for acoustic wayfinding, or navigating within their environment using auditory rather than visual cues. It is similar in principle to active sonar and to the animal echolocation employed by some animals, including bats, dolphins and toothed whales.

Echolocation has been further developed by Daniel Kish, who works with the blind, leading blind teenagers hiking and mountain-biking through the wilderness and teaching them how to navigate new locations safely, with a technique that he calls "FlashSonar",[11] through the non-profit organization World Access for The Blind.[12] Kish had his eyes removed at the age of 13 months due to retinal cancer. He learned to make palatal clicks with his tongue when he was still a child -- and now trains other blind people in the use of echolocation and in what he calls "Perceptual Mobility".[13][14][15] Though at first resistant to using a cane for mobility, seeing it as a "handicapped" device, and considering himself "not handicapped at all", Kish developed a technique using his white cane combined with echolocation to further expand his mobility.[15][16][16][14]

Kish reports that "The sense of imagery is very rich for an experienced user. One can get a sense of beauty or starkness or whatever - from sound as well as echo".[11] He is able to distinguish a metal fence from a wooden one by the information returned by the echoes on the arrangement of the fence structures; in extremely quiet conditions, he can also hear the warmer and duller quality of the echoes from wood compared to metal.[11]

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Commercial Church 

Sincerely as a human person I can not understand the church.  Sometimes it wants to be populist and I ask myself whether the fact that it does not point out things in black and white to form a base on certain things on which to do forward thinking is done on the principle of lack of thought or as a strategy. I believe that a black and white format is important.  Still this does not mean that a person can not go to a priest to try to help him or her to solve there religious dilemma that they have and perhaps find an answer to his unique situations for her/his unique self and find the gray shades.

An example is simple the fact of :

“Echoing what the Pope said in Milan last June, Bishop Grech reiterated that the Church loved re-married divorcees. It is essential that this love is communicated in such a way that these couple feel it. They need to see and feel that they are loved. The Pope had said it was up to the parish church and the Catholic community to do all they could to make these people felt loved and accepted, even if they could not receive the Eucharist.”

But simple they don't state whether being divorced and remarried is sinful to keep people in doubt and due to the fact not to legitimise divorce because if the church say it is not sinful it justifies it. In my opinion here the church is a commercial entity. It is like a political party that promises the rich that he will oppress the poor and promising the poor that he will steal from the rich believing that in this case it is not stealing. It is without position till my knowledge concerns as I never heard the Pope "chi divorzia e un pecatore." and if he says that he must say as well "anche io sonno un grande pecatore e va benne perche quado noi siamo a conosenza di questo che posiamo andare a Gesu."

Personally here I'm not saying that divorce is sinful not at all. I'm just saying that the church wants to sell Christ to everybody and does not clear states its boundaries or her position clearly. Perhaps this is because of the times of confusion we are in. This is because if I sin and live with mortal sin according to Rome I can not be one with Jesus 
 the truth as I'm not living by the Words of Jesus Christ and I'm out of the vine. Because I am either with Christ or not I'm either with the truth or not and this goes for three quarters of the church who fidels with the persona that they are in the truth himself that include cardinal, bishop priets and people in all countries.

In the end who knows whether they sold themselves to the devils and to organisations and brotherhoods even bishops of remote islands you never know. Again in all this till know they never clarified as the family is attacked by the devil we only needed for the church to do this not to be clear and to put uncertainty and not be clear on basic issues and whether it would be on the pastoral care and the theology itself although theology itself develops. Therefore we end up with confusion whether a divorced remarried man or woman can therefore live according to Jesus Christ if they marry again crossfigered that they are on the right side of history. But fact reamains  that all this may be all farce and a farce of everything whether the church or state and marriage itself as the people that react socio dynamically and everything will continue therefore to become a farce and when states remaries the church and then decides to divorce her the farce continues and then remaries her again such farce of a system created by humans that are more political oriented and agenda too then trying to be in harmony with truth  searching truth itself base on true inner core value and that are more image based rather then trying to be authentic and be who they really are in the truth as possible as they can.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Allesandro Sallusti And Freedom of Expression

"The libel charge stems from an article, written under the pseudonym "Dreyfus" and published in February 2007 in the right-wing daily Libero, which Sallusti edited at the time. The author suggested that a juvenile court magistrate, who had allowed a 13-year-old girl the right to an abortion, should be given the death penalty. The magistrate filed a defamation complaint and a Milan court ruled that, as the editor, Sallusti bore responsibility for the publication of the anonymous article."

Is this The sentence that defeats and kills freedom of expression? Is Allesandro Sallusti reaction calling his sentence "worthy of repressive regimes such as Syria and North Korea."  true. Is possibility of freedom of expression starting to be destroyed?

Photo from

             Is this the start of the destruction of Freedom of Expression in Europe? Is it worth to Jail a Journalist? Is the Justice System Ridiculous when comparing other crimes that are done given less sentences, etc?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

love is a verb

A Small Stories

One day a man came on a protestant priest and asked him, “I’m really worried my wife and I just don’t have the same feelings for each other we used to have. He continued I just don’t love her anymore. What can I do?” After thinking a bit the priest answered simple with two words “love her” and the man argued “the feeling just isn’t there”. Then he replied promptly “then love her. If the feeling isn’t there, that is a good reason to love her.”

The point in this story that I personally see is that love is a verb and where there is no love we need to act. Love is an action and therefore a verb. It is something that perhaps evolution of humanity evolved in us humans to fill our lives with bright colors and make our internal world better and also the outside world so we live in much better and happier life.

Another story of love is the following said by Osho

Nancy was having coffee with Helen.
Nancy asked, "How do you know your husband loves you?"
"He takes out the garbage every morning."
"That's not love. That's good housekeeping."
"My husband gives me all the spending money I need."
"That's not love. That's generosity."
"My husband never looks at other women."
"That's not love. That's poor vision."
"John always opens the door for me."
"That's not love. That's good manners."
"John kisses me even when I've eaten garlic and I have curlers in my hair."
"Now, that's love."l

That is the meaning when Jesus says, "God is love." I say to you: Love is God. God can be forgotten, but don't forget love -- because it is the purification of love that will bring you to God. If you forget about God completely, nothing is lost. But don't forget love, because love is the bridge. Love is the process of alchemical change in your consciousness.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Manos Blancas: Disabilta l'Abilta u L-Arti Methodu ta' Edukazjoni

L-arti hija forma ta komunikazjoni fejn kulħadd jista jifhimha fejn tagħmlek iktar sensittiv u tkompli tiffurmak u taghmlek komplut u m’hemmx barrieri min jagħmilha imma hemm min ipinġi b’ħalqu u hemm anke nies f’diżabilita’ li jkantaw. Il-Manos Blancas fil- Venezuela, li huwa group ta’ studenti li jkantaw huwa eżempju ta Dan li allavolja hemm huma bnedmien diżabilita’ iżda xorta din id-diżabilita’ ma twaqafhomx mil holm taghhom li hija xi ħaġa kostrutta soċjalment finalment imma li anda tiġġi megħluba beyond labiling.

“Cantano con le mani. Con i loro guanti candidi, sembrano uno stormo di gabbiani sul mare. Oscillano, svolazzano allegramente, rallentano, poi accelerano di nuovo. Sono sordomuti, ma "sentono" la musica in un altro modo. Cantano senza muovere la bocca, solo con le loro dieci dita. Al loro fianco c’è un altro coro: bambini e ragazzi non vedenti, disabili, ma anche tanti altri senza nessun problema, più fortunati. Mescolati gli uni con gli altri sullo stesso palcoscenico, formano il coro Manos Blancas, "Mani bianche". Un progetto creato nel 1999, come spina dorsale del programma di Educazione speciale dell’ormai celebre Sistema nazionale di orchestre giovanili e infantili del Venezuela”

“In Venezuela, i bimbi-musici del maestro José Abreu «fanno parte di un progetto pedagogico specifico, frequentano una scuola normale e contemporaneamente imparano il canto o a suonare uno strumento». A mano a mano i piccoli musicisti entrano a far parte del coro Manos Blancas o dell’orchestra Simon Bolivar, di quartetti, bande ritmiche, ensemble con le campane: «Il comune denominatore è sempre la musica come integrazione». La scuola centrale ha sede a Barquisimeto, nella regione venezuelana di Lara, «ma altre stanno sorgendo in vari paesi del Sud America, a cominciare a Argentina e Costa Rica.” (esempio-di-manos-blancas-anche-il-friuli-entra-nel-coro)

B’hekk l-arti hija forma fejn hemm ċelebrazzjoni ta’ unitá ma’ xulxin fejn kulħadd jista’ jipparteċipa u jitgħallem minha, hija lingwa li kullħadd jifhimha u li anke tgħin l-iżvilup mentali tal-individwu u kullħadd jista’ jippratika kif jiċħdu ir-realtajiet tal-lum waqt ir-ritmu huwa maghlem hu jgħin l-iżvilup tal-moħħ, id-dibadittu huwa krejat u jiggi iddiskutuut b' temi li jifformaw opinjoni tas socjeta. B'hekk il parteċipazjoni gol realta’ organikament tiforma. Meta tara l-beneficċji tal-arti żgur tinduna li għadna lura sissa għawn Malta perres livnistaw nużaw din l-għoda iktar bhall l edikazjonivWaldorf li hi inventata mill-filosofu ta’ l-edukazzjoni Rudolf Steiner skola ta hsieb fundata fi 1919.

Music is life... it is part of life, music is not everything but it the most beautiful part of life Marcos Torbellos coro Manos Blacas

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Human Sexuality

In the book Problem In Aplied Ethics published by Malta University Publishers a series edited by Joe Friggieri writen by Emanuel Agius a Maltese philosopher he writes Sigmund Freud proved that sexuality plays a crucial role in the fuctioning of the personality as a whole; it is wrong to think sexual instict as an isolated fuction. Therefore sex came to be seen as a force that permeates, influences and affects every act of a person’s being at every moment of his or her existance. It is not operative in one restricted area of life but it is rather at the core and centre of our total life response. It is from sex that the human person recieves the characteristics which, on the biological, psychological and spiritual level, make that person a man or a woman, and therby largely condition his or her progress towards maturity and insertion into society.

Therefore human sexuality is basically a Language. Human sexuality is both physiological and psychological grounded to our capacity to love not neccesarily involved genitally.

He continues to write that human sexuality is a medium of communication. In order to understand ethically the phenomena of human sexuality we must first go beyond its merely unitive and procreative meaning and it goes merely beyond fuctionality. The human species is sometimes called homo symbolicus a term which conveys the insight that people are symbol makers and symbol users, able to express themselves through symbolic meaning. I add Sex can therefore have many meaning associated with that person and group. But he continues to write that Sexual intercourse is the maximum expression of the body language of love. It is not just a meeting of genitalia but of a person with a past and the future. When person meet in such intimacy they give message to each other. The body language is rich in meaning and the challenge is to decode it message. What are husband and wife saying? This language speaks five messages: recognition, gender identification, reconciliation, hope and thanksgiving. In every sexual act the whole person, body, mind and feeling is engaged. The meaning of sexual intercourse is therefore multifaceted, exercising a number of roles and carrying a much larger number of meanings than the unitive and the procreative. It is the way how two people thank each other for the gifts of mutual love, respect, faithfulness and service while its the language of hope. This is because the intense pleasure and closeness of intercourse renew regulary the basis of the relationship with or without words the couple express to each other their hope to remain together in love until the end of their life while affirming most clearly each other’s specific sexual identity. When the couple freely donate themselves in sexual intercourse in the absence of fear or coercion their action fully exemplifies mutual equality and acceptance.

In the end sexuality is according to Emanuel Agius;

·         Self-liberating: human sexuality flows freely and spontaneously from the depts of a person’s being. It is neither fearful nor anxious but rather genuinely expressive of one’s authentic self. It begets self-assurance, thereby enhacing the full development of a person’s potential for growth and self expression.

·         Other-enriching: human sexuality gives expresssion to a generous interest and concern for the well-being of the other. It is sensative, considerate, thoughtful, compassionate, understanding and supportive. These qualities call for more than mere non manipulation or other against their will. It insist that wholesome sexulity must contribute positively to the growth process of the other.

·         Honesty: human sexuality express openly and candidly and as truthful as possible the depth of relationship that exist between people. It avoids deception in every form of betrayal of the mutual trust that any sexual expression should imply if it is truly creative and integrative.

·         Faithful: human sexuality is characterised by a constant pattern of interest and concern that can grow ever deeper and richer.

·         Life-serving: Every expression of human sexuality must respect the intimate relationship between the “creative” and “integrative” aspects. And every life-style provides means for giving expression to this life-serving quality.

·         Joyous: Wholesome sexual expression should give witness to the mystery of love. It must never become a mere passive submission to duty or a heartless comformity to expextation. Human sexual expression is meant to be enjoyed without feeling of guilt or remorse.

Also love is an important factor in physical and emotional intimate relationships. Love is qualitatively and quantitatively different to liking, and the difference is not merely in the presence or absence of sexual attraction. There are two types of love in a relationship; passionate love and companionate love. Companionate love involves diminished potent feelings of attachment, an authentic and enduring bond, a sense of mutual commitment, the profound feeling of mutual caring, feeling proud of a mate's accomplishment, and the satisfaction that comes from sharing goals and perspective. In contrast, passionate love is marked by infatuation, intense preoccupation with the partner, throes of ecstasy, and feelings of exhilaration that come from being reunited with the partner Hatfield, E., & Rapson, R.L. (1993). Historical and cross-cultural perspectives on passionate love and sexual desire. Annual Review of Sex Research, 4, 67–97. Acording to the The triangular theory of love is a theory of love developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. In the context of interpersonal relationships, "the three components of love, according to the triangular theory, are;

  1. Intimacy – Which encompasses feelings of attachment, closeness, connectedness, and bondedness.
  2. Passion – Which encompasses drives connected to both limerence and sexual attraction.
  3. Descison/Commitment – Which encompasses, in the short term, the decision to remain with another, and in the long term, the shared achievements and plans made with that other.

Agape: In the New Testament is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another in God presence.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Edward De Bono On Art

Edward De Bono in his book I Am Right You Are Wrong write that art is directly concerned with redirecting existing perceptions and changing them, but does not encourage perceptual skills. In the end art is a form of communication while in his book Water Logic he writes that art need to highlight, to deepend perception and to open up insights. This is done by disrupting the patterns, by juxtaposing patterns by providing new pattern framework and he give us the example that when anything new arise such as Impressionism it was first was judged ugly, hideous by most art critic. This was because it was “ugly” when viewed through the frames of expectation of existing and traditional painting. He continues that people had to be trained to look at the painting in a different way to appreciate their beauty. Carrying this to the extreme is Andy Warhol Brillo Boxes or put a pile of scattered bricks in an art gallery and you ask the people as a work of art then they really do become a work of art. Our normal perception patterns treat bricks and treated the Brillo boxes as mundane material but if we break the loop of our perception pattern we see them differently but still keep a faint echo of their constructive value. This is because when we explore a rouse clearly we set perception but then we pass that perception as we just see it and put it somewhere generally and we don't break any pattern anymore.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chensorship Is A Power Tool

Hail to Norman Lowell everybody have the right to speak what he wants. Who is the moral experts? Keneth Waine says. Satan or Jesus who in a secular world can decide what it wrong what is right? In Pragmatic ethics we go great we evolve good John Dewey believed. So if Normal Lowel win in theory that great that mean. Giving no chance to Normal Lowel shows the fear of everybody that Norman Lowel have potential to win. Malcolm X incited violence but was always let to speak that means that liberty of expression to the full if you are against Norman than don’t hear him or hear him and write against him. In a true democracy everybody have the right to say what he wants even if he says the law is bulshit who am I to say it is not in the end it is made by humans not by God by people who say that they are moral expert could be yes or no who are you to say yes - God? Or the evagelist? In the end need to do what you speak.
Speaking is abstract doing something is concrete. 
     Censorship the most should only be against to protect people who are under 18 year old in the end but employing chensorship is legitimising manipulation of ideas from power. Everybody has the right to speak but not to act against the law for the law to be changed whether it is church, gay rights movements, or Nazis or Communist that is what a true liberal should believe but one can always have the right to advocate for the law to change as he believes in whatever direction to limit this is to limit directions. This therefore gives chance for movements to change the world or not to change the world in the end and for any possible dialogue to occur if parties wants.

Monday, May 7, 2012

History is a debate about perception

If Hitler won the war against the world we would say simple Hitler was the greatest General, governor, woman would adore him and etc. What the fuss about the film Dear Dom it all about perception. Let say I retain that Mintof was a mental disabled, I can hold that that my  perception my idea of perception who are you to tell me I am wrong, who would lead me not to categorize Mintof in that way if that is how I categorize him, thus it exists the negotiated world perception and the subjective perception. 

To continue the film Dear Dom was great in its scope in the scope of art's role in Edward De Bono sense the Times was full of remarks about the film it made us discuss. It tried us and made us agree or disagree to debate facts the same facts that can be seen as just-full and great perhaps. Some people say that Mintof fought against poverty others say that he was a Communist that robbed the rich and gave to other poor but never gave his villa true or false I will not comment I leave it to debate... and rather then an admirable Robin Hood he was more of a genius of political manipulator with his villa like the Communist dictator of China in these people's terms. The problem with Mintof is that he remains debatable he was a hero for some and an idiot for others. The truth is that its only about perception there is no truth we just need to become mature Maltese that it mature humans. It is the history that show fact that are introspective and just like in the case of Hitler. Truth does not exist and we just making a fuss when arguing and taking everything to seriously. In the end Mintof was not like Jesus or the Budha which personally I respect these people more honestly they affected my life more than him. And ultimately he was not a Superman in Friedrich Nietzsche terms and if he is or was or will be people can claim everything even about Paris Hilton when she dies.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post Post Modern Education

Education in post post Modernism is there to create artist as Albert Camus write in the myth “If the world were clear, art would not exist” in The Myth of Sisyphus that why I suggest the Waldorf education (also known as Steiner education) is a humanistic approach to pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner and also the capacity of design and Montessori education as students need to use the left hemisphere and right as today as we know these 2 parts of brain work together as 1 as they work together in synergy. Then after high school as high school should be compulsory in either study a vocational courses such as business, engineering, medicine, social care, agriculture or computer science or else study the arts and law obviously the vocational courses should have credits of mixed philosophy and arts .

But we can not forget that the basic skills needed are learned in the primary school that it is in the importance in the end such that it a must for example for schools to can introduce the Cort thinking program, six thinking hats and lateral thinking. In the end how it is done science should be a form of art. Malta especially should invest in such an experimental schools with risk we grow to risk is courage and we should not be afraid as a nation of creativity and innovation for our schools and a mix of Waldorf and Montessori education for the future of Malta if we want a great future in the end and give some solution to our problems and the world.

On Truth

Truth is divided into 3 categories. At the first level is based on the Relative truth. This is done for examples by society that changes its attitude by the process of evolution and perhaps now if it wants also by design as Edward De Bono suggest we are all artist as Joseph Beuys and Novalis said. This is seen for example how something is seen by a process of time at time by society and by authority and how it changes by time. This is based on circumstance. The second level is Constructive truth which is basically is Mathematics and Logic. Mathematician and logician can more explain well this. This is because it starts from axiom such as 1+1 and we construct 2 (Gödel's incompleteness theorems, etc). This is very powerful within it area of application, but it is limited. The third is Perception truth. Everything is governed by perception as the mathematician logician and every person thinks with his Logic to make it more accurate as Friedrich Nietzsche stated in 1878 in Human, All Too Human thought "logic [came] into existence in man's head [out] of illogic, whose realm originally must have been immense. Innumerable beings who made inferences in a way different from ours perished". Thus there is the idea that logical inference has a use as a tool for human survival, but that its existence does not support the existence of truth, nor does it have a reality beyond the instrumental: "Logic, too, also rests on assumptions that do not correspond to anything in the real world". Perception is based on a believe system(a making sense of things the circular system in which belief sets perception that reinforce the belief as that is how Edward De Bono describe belief system in his book I am Right You Are Wrong), there is no law of contradiction it is neither right or wrong but rather absurd and moves also by feelings (the red hat in Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hat) and also objectivity and experience as we look at the world while our mind organise what we are seeing at the moment as the behavior is of a self-organising patterning system that is totally different from the table top logic of traditional reasoning I am Right You Are Wrong states again. Language is just a form of constructed description tool for communication which means a limitation of language and the imperatives of the media and yet a great power to change sentiments. Thus we can have a description done by language that construct reality as it affects perception or do a model that should embody mathematical reasons for example. But still there is no truth in perception maximum a proto truth that is an absolute that we hold so long as we are trying to change it as Edward De Bono suggests.

Also Language for Edward De Bono in his book I am Right You Are Wrong states that language is a poor thinking system, yet it dominate our thinking till know and it create the seductive dichotomies which we need and create in order to operate the logical principle of contradiction of good/evil, Either/or, us/them etc. Jacques Derrida the inventor of Deconstruction also created the theory of binary oppositions that is a belief in pairs and opposites and of one of the pairs that is suppressed while the other is brought above thus for him good has no meaning unless evil exist thus this is because we are in the Constructive age rather than the Perceptual age.

We think with language...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

9 Parts of Desire

In the play 9 Parts of Desire by Heather Raffo that I saw in the St James Cavalier theatre an experimental circle theater 3 main points hit me. The deformity of babies that are present in the South of Iraq babies that are born deformed by the so called in Italian “Uranium ipoverito” that comes possible from the missiles of the war that occurred that the doctor talks about. The idea that Saddam Hussein could be removed before and aid was not given by the Americans such as the last war in Libya as the communist were butchered together with those against the Saddam Hussein regime and the last point is Saddam Hussein kept Iraq such like a female that is abused physically, psychologically and spiritually. So in the last the reflection is what can we do we normal people in these circumstances of war, people dying of hunger and dictators we common people what can we do. 

At the first time I saw the play I thought it was nothing special but know I think it deserves to be analysed by these three points that I mainly believe are true realities.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Edward De Bono in his book In I Am Right You Are Wrong describe it as a major type of error arising from table top logic. Something is good so more must surely be better. This is seen in the following example Fast Food is good but we can not only eat it everyday a nutritional diet is healthier. Thus for obesity arise from the Laffer Curve Jean Baudrillard the inventor of hyperreality the writer of Simulcra and Simulation writes Art is seduction and also writes Art does not die because there is no more art, it dies because there to much. The excess of reality disheartens me as does the excess of art when imposes itself as reality in his book in The Conspiracy of Art he notes. Thus for a conscious obese person that is on dieting fast food with lots of fat changes the definition of food for him is different from a healthy person that sometimes takes fast food. But it remains food as definition per se. 

For Michel Foucault it all about power in his book power is in excess thus in exchange we don't have words in our vocabulary such as to art as a new definition. we must invent new words.

 Andy Warhol also put it in the end when he says I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning. But in reality it develops a whole new meaning when one looks even longer such as when looking to a rose that saying because in the end  truth is not absolute but in this manner it journey towards the absolute.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The simple realization that you're in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is all about balancing life with work and leisure and relationships plus the feeling of meeting challenges head-on and under pressure and taking charge of your thoughts, schedule, environment, and how you deal with problems. And Change your situation. 

Also, appreciate the little things savour the moments – and enjoy the little things in the present “In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet” Albert Schweitzer.

To see this you can write a stress journal, where you see your response, how you acted, how you did things, and how you feel therefore you see how you currently cope with stress and how you felt physically and emotionally as you describe in the journal.

Some coping strategies people may take cause more damage in the long run:

·         Drinking too much.
·         Smocking
·         Overreacting or under-reacting
·         Zoning out for hours in front of TV or computer
·         Withdrawing from family and friends
·         Sleeping too much
·         Procrastinating
·         Taking your stress on others

Avoid – Avoid if you can what causes you stress. If you can not Alter find a compromise Adapt be positive Reframe problems e.g. in traffic jams for example enjoy listening to your favorite music during this time or talk with friends in the car. The last A is Accept don't eliminate keep moving it will go away. Also never use always, never, should, these worlds always have ants automatic negative thoughts which many people act on because. Again sometimes you can not change things example in case of death as when something happens you can just adapt to it or to the attitude of other people by changing yourself you are changing the world in the end. These are the 4 key A’s.

Healthy ways to relax and recharge
        +Go for a walk, exercise 
        + Write on your journal
        + Call a good friend
               Take a bath    
        +Do your hobby
         +Work in garden 
         +Watch a film Take some time to reactivate your visual sensory capacity
+Listen to music
+sports and exercise
+        +Go out with friends
+        + Give priorities to close relationship –An intimate marriage or close friendship offers social support         but happy people also appear to attract people and retain partners. This may be because they are            happy.
            +Sleep at least 8 hours it fuels your mind and body
            +Yoga and meditation
            +Praying -Faith can buffer crises and give hope. Also, faith networks may give social support,                 meaning, and assistance in one's problems
+           +Rituals This is important because it is an active affirmation of your belonging but also one needs            to learn if diverted sometimes we still need to live.

H   Humor is also important don't get in the hustle and bustle of life that you forget to take care of yourself and your needs. Naturing yourself is a necessity and not a luxury. Also as we saw Health together with Hope and Humor is a key factor in stress management.

Stress management is a key to happiness. Thus as it written in the book The Pursuit of Happiness Dr. David G. Myers, Professor of Psychology at Hope College in Michigan, identifies four important traits common to happy people with H+ Religion these are:

+Self-esteem and optimism apart from personal control which is also important.
+Extraversion. That means in Psychology a. the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self thus with the external environment rather than with one's thoughts and feelings (introversion)